WooCommerce Product Updates and Template Generation
East Anglian Sealing contacted us seeking assistance with their existing website. This specialist gaskets, mouldings and seals supplier supplies a range of technical products. We were asked to fix some issues in their site but also to give them greater flexibility in pushing their online offering further. This was to be done with some pre-made product templates.
The existing EAS website was a WordPress website, build by another company which required our expert assistance.
East Anglian Sealing contacted us with some problems they required fixing. This was largely WooCommerce related and given they already had a full range of products set on the site this meant some investigation.
We spoke with the owner about his issues, offered a solution’s, priced it fairly and began work.
Part of what this customer wanted was some product templates for new and existing items which they sell. Also, there was a reasonable amount of optimisation required to deliver on this.
With any existing e-Commerce website it’s important to ensure we protect what is there and working first, then and only then can we look at improving things.
We consider ourselves experts in WooCommerce and selling via websites, especially WordPress ones.
Once we had complied with the customers wishes and were fully tested. We then turned these updates live.
EAS are very happy with the updates and what we have delivered. This enables them to sell more products, expand their range and to remove some issues from within the site.
Not, the site is running smoother and should see them through for sometime. Their site can be found by clicking here.
If you would like to speak with us about how you can better market and grow your business please feel free to call on 01473 760599 or contact us here.